What is Arting About?


In short, Arting About is about... YOU! For the Top of the Pots team the most exciting part of our job is opening the kiln to see your stunning, vibrant creations. We wanted to find a way to share this sense of beauty and wonder with the world and so Arting About was born! We want to celebrate the dawdlers with their heads in the clouds, the people who look up and study a building's architecture instead of staring at their feet as they walk, those among us who love nothing more than to just stop and watch the world go by. Not only do we want to celebrate this feeling we want to share it with the world!
Mindfulness and self care are so important but so often overlooked in our busy and hectic modern lifestyles - every tiny reminder to just stop and pay attention is worth it but we need your help to do this! Our painters agree that pottery painting is the perfect outlet, a moment of calm in our friendly studio when the outside world doesn't need to bother you. But what if we could spread this feeling worldwide? Head to Instagram and use the hashtag #ArtingAbout to share the beauty in the world with us, and follow @artingaboutwithtotp to get a sense of wonder sprinkled directly on your feed!

Arting About!
April 2019

2019 is the first year Top of the Pots are going to be hosting their own Instagram Challenge!

Our aim, as always, is to celebrate the individual. We believe everyone who makes something is an artist no matter what your medium. You could be a gardener painting the world with the colours of the flowers you grow, or a figure skater making patterns with the blades of your skates.
Arting About celebrates the beauty in the every day. So join us each year for #ArtingAboutApril to show the world your masterpieces! Use the links at the bottom of this page to download our graphics and let everyone know you are participating.


get your hands on our
facebook cover

profile picture
Enjoy these free downloads to get the most out of the challenge. Use the worksheet to plan your month in advance, and the images to proudly show your participation on social media! To download the images just click on them for a higher resolution image, then right click - save image. Don't forget to use the hashtag #ArtingAboutApril2019 to get your posts noticed!